EileenDreams Blog


Tidbits about digital media; like why and how to get your business online.




Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash Domain Renewal Scams and Search Engine Scams So many of my clients have received emails like this that I feel I should warn people. Emails like this: Don’t miss out on this offer which includes search engine submission for “InsertYourdomainnamehere”.com for 12...

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Instagram is a social sharing network mobile app, that you load onto your smart phone for sharing photos and tidbits about your day. It started in 2010, was bought by Facebook in 2012, and has more users than Facebook and Twitter. Insta (instant) Gram (telegram) is an easy way to share photos that...

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I’m Not a Writer

I’m Not a Writer

I don't know how many times I have committed to writing in my blog more often even though I’d rather scrub a toilet. Well my toilet just can’t get any cleaner so I guess I have to write again but honestly I'd rather be at the beach. I’ve heard it said many times that social media isn’t “real” and...

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If you prefer to chat:

Go old school and give Eileen a call

Phone: 604-308-0137