Social Media for Good

Let's Use Social Media for Good

simple image drawing of little bubble person saying love you

Letā€™s Harness the Positive Power of Connectivity

I am a fan of Oprah’s Super Soul podcast, and lately she’s been featuring Arthur Brooks, where they delve into the wisdom shared in their co-authored book ‘Build the Life You Want.‘ Arthur Brooks shared profound insights into the realm of social media that I won’t delve into here. However, their podcast has been a true inspiration, compelling me to extend my modest mission of utilizing social mediaā€”mainly Instagramā€”as a force for good.

I started my Instagram with the intent of expressing gratitude, and it has been a life-changing positive experience for me. My Insta followers, who send me private messages of encouragement and gratitude of their own, uplift me daily and encourage me to continue sharing what might otherwise seem geeky or trite. Public Instagrammers like @gurdeeppandher, @beemeadowfarm, and @semofoundation, continually inspire me to remain positive and re-affirm my belief in the goodness of humanity.

In an era dominated by social media, where the digital landscape often seems flooded with a mix of mis-information and emotions, there is an opportunity for individuals to collectively steer the narrative towards positive change. Rather than succumbing to the pitfalls of online negativity, let’s use social media for good, fostering meaningful connections, spreading positivity, and making a tangible impact on the world around us.

Spread Positivity and Inspiration:

Social media has the potential to be a source of inspiration and positivity. Instead of succumbing to the trend of sharing only the highlights, let’s use our platforms to spread messages of encouragement, motivation, and kindness. Sharing personal achievements, uplifting stories, and positive affirmations can create a ripple effect, brightening someone’s day and contributing to a more optimistic online environment.

Support Causes and Charities:

One of the most impactful ways to use social media for good is to champion causes that matter. Share information about charitable organizations, fundraisers, and community initiatives. Use your influence to amplify the voices of those working towards positive change. Whether it’s through sharing donation links, volunteering opportunities, or simply raising awareness, social media provides a powerful platform for collective philanthropy.

Connect and Build Communities:

Let’s use social media to build communities based on shared interests, passions, and goals. Platforms offer a space for like-minded individuals to connect, share experiences, and offer support. By fostering positive and inclusive communities, we can break down barriers, promote understanding, and create a sense of belonging that transcends the digital realm.

Educate and Inform Responsibly:

Social media is a vast repository of information, and with this comes the responsibility to share knowledge responsibly. Let’s contribute to a culture of accuracy and thoughtfulness by fact-checking information before sharing, promoting critical thinking, and sharing educational content that enriches the lives of our online communities. Being mindful of the information we disseminate can contribute to a more informed and enlightened digital society.

Practice Digital Well-being:

Using social media for good also means taking care of ourselves and our digital well-being. Encourage positive conversations, foster a culture of empathy and understanding, and prioritize mental health in online interactions. By being conscious of our digital habits, we can contribute to a more supportive and compassionate online environment.

As users of social media, we have the power to shape the narrative and influence the digital landscape. Let’s make a conscious choice to use social media for goodā€”spreading positivity, supporting meaningful causes, and building connections that transcend the digital divide. In a world where our online presence is increasingly influential, the collective decision to focus on the positive aspects of social media can pave the way for a more uplifting and connected global community.

If you have any questions about this please email me at


Why You Should Be Using Instagram to Grow Your Business Updated

Instagram is more than just pretty pictures.

Viewer engagement is higher on Instagram than any other platform with 500 million daily active users waiting for your interesting, entertaining, follow-worthy content. With over 1 billion active monthly users, it is a valuable tool to grow your customer base and build brand awareness. By using Instagram, small businesses can connect with their target audience, showcase their products and services, and interact with their customers in real-time.

One of the primary benefits of using Instagram for business is its visual nature. The platform is designed to showcase images and videos, which makes it an ideal place for businesses to showcase their products, services, and overall brand image. By sharing high-quality, visually appealing content, small businesses can engage their followers and create a positive image of their brand.

In the social media marketing world, your goal is for your ideal clients to know, like, and trust you, and Instagram provides the optimum platform to achieve that goal. You can easily chat with your followers, use polls, and follow metrics and insights for market research to increase engagement and grow your business. Customers can even purchase directly from your Instagram shop. From your bio, you can provide a link to your website or landing page or follow any action for your campaign strategy objectives.

In addition to building relationships with customers, Instagram also provides small businesses with valuable insights into their audience and the performance of their marketing efforts. By using Instagram’s built-in analytics tools, businesses can track the success of their posts, understand the demographics of their audience, and identify what type of content resonates best with their followers. This information can then be used to inform future marketing strategies and optimize the impact of their efforts.

Instagram also provides small businesses with the opportunity to run targeted ad campaigns. By using Instagram’s advertising platform, businesses can reach a highly targeted audience with specific interests, behaviors, and demographics. This can help businesses to maximize the impact of their advertising dollars and reach their ideal customers with a highly relevant message.

From a marketing perspective, Instagram can take your ideal clients through each phase of the marketing funnel:

  1. AwarenessĀ ā€“ Grab your clientā€™s attention through posts, stories, reels and highlights.
  2. Interest –Ā As followers enjoy your content, their interest and engagement grows.
  3. DesireĀ ā€“ Now your client trusts you and desires to purchase your product.
  4. ActionĀ ā€“ Your client is compelled to take action thanks to the relationship you have fostered.
  5. Advocacy – Client advocacy is where your client now advocates for you and becomes your brand ambassador.

Instagram has the ability to reach a large, targeted audience. With over 1 billion active users, businesses can use hashtags, location tags, and influencer partnerships to reach their ideal audience. This can help businesses expand their reach, build brand awareness, and increase their customer base.

Instagram also provides small businesses with the opportunity to interact with their customers in real-time. By responding to comments and messages, businesses can build relationships with their customers, address any concerns they may have, and provide personalized support. This can help to increase customer loyalty, create brand advocates, and drive customer engagement.

From a heart felt person-to-person business perspective, Instagram fosters community within a tribe that is uniquely your own. With a targeted Instagram marketing strategy, you can also attract your ideal client and increase your business.

In conclusion, Instagram is a valuable tool for small businesses looking to grow their customer base and build brand awareness. With its visual nature, large audience, ability to interact with customers, powerful insights and advertising capabilities, Instagram provides small businesses with a cost-effective way to reach their target audience and drive growth. Whether your business is looking to increase its brand visibility, build customer relationships, or drive sales, Instagram is a platform that should not be overlooked.



How To Do Your Very First Instagram Post

How To Do Your Very First Instagram Post

Getting Started with Instagram

You can follow along with these screen shots of my phone as I create a post. Or, you can skip to the bottom of this page for a numbered list of directions.

Ā Open the Instagram app

Click on the + on the top right corner of your phone

You will get a drop down called Create New that gives you options

Choose: Feed Post


Choose your photo from your phoneā€™s photo Gallery

Edit your photo,

straighten the horizon and choose a filter, if you want.

Click on the Blue arrow at the top right corner of your phone to get to the page where you write your message



Type over Write a captionā€¦.

Write a comment that add values and invites engagement

Add hashtags

Tag People

Click on your photo and start typing your Instagram name to tag yourself or anyone in the photo

Tap the blue check mark at the top right of the page

Add location

Click on your photo and start typing your location to tag yourself or anyone in the photo

Share to Facebook

When your post is live answer peopleā€™s comments

First Steps to Make an Instagram Post

  1. Load the Instagram app on your phone.
  2. Open the Instagram app
  3. Click on the + on the top right corner of your phone inside the Instagram App
  4. You will get a drop down that gives you options.
  5. Choose Create New
  6. Choose: Create post
  7. Choose your photo from your phoneā€™s photo Gallery

– Edit your photo,

– straighten the horizon, choose a filter, add text and stickers if you want

  1. Click on the Blue arrow at the top right corner of your phone to get to the page where you write your message
  2. Type over Write a captionā€¦.

– Describe your photo with a comment that add values and invites engagement.

  1. Add hashtags
  2. Tag People

– Tap on your photo and start typing your Instagram name to tag yourself or anyone in the photo

  1. Add location

– Click on your photo and start typing your location

  1. Share to Facebook if you want to
  2. Tap the blue check mark at the top right of the page to load your post

TaDa!! Good for you!! You did it! Have fun!!

I would love to know if this was helpful for you and what other questions you have. Please drop me a line or message me through Instagram.



Instagram isĀ aĀ social sharing networkĀ mobile app, that you load onto your smart phone for sharing photos and tidbits about your day. It started in 2010, was bought by Facebook in 2012, and has more users than Facebook and Twitter. Insta (instant) Gram (telegram) is an easy way to share photos that you can enhance with built-in filters and simple edits. You can share photos and video real time and add fun stickersĀ with details like location, temperature, time, day and mood. You follow friends and people who align with your interests. People can follow you back and make comments about your photos. They find you with hash tags #.

Even if you donā€™t understand or wish to use Instagram at least set up an account with your branding name to reserve the name for when you decide to join the fun.Ā Ā My company name is EileenDreams and I missed out on Twitter and got EileenDreamsD ā€“ pretty lame. While you are at it, do the same for SnapChat etc if you plan to expand with Social Mediaā€¦.

The easiest way to use Instagram is to use it how it was originally meant to be used:

  • Take a photo,
  • Post it,
  • Add a relevant comment and a couple hashtags.

To Get Started:

  1. Download the Instagram app on your smartphone and sign up for an Instagram account.
  2. Add your profile photo and information. If you are better with a keyboard than a smart phone you can fill in your bio, profile, links, and upload your profile photo on your computer at
  3. Link your new Instagram account to Facebook, Twitter and all your social media platforms and invite your friends to follow you.

There are enough features to edit photos within Instagram itself. There are photo editing tools, filters, tools to level out your horizons, and there is even a rule of thirds grid. Instagram is known for their filters so have fun experimenting with them.

Insanely Simple Photo Editing Sites To Create Memes if you don’t like making your own graphics and are just starting out. (Only use this if you really have to because it screams newbie.)


I only ever use my own photosĀ and I find great pleasure in taking my own photos. (To each his own.)

If you need photos, try these free sites:


My 2 favourite graphics sites for images and fonts are:


Take it up a Notch

First, decide what your goal for this Instagram account is and then have a vision of what you want it to look like. Always remember your own personality, voice, and look. While you should stay true to the look and feel of your brand, some Instagram accounts stay so rigid to their brand that they have become boring.Ā  When I started I just wanted to learn how to do it and jumped right in. If you post photos that are not in line with your branding image you can always delete them later while you are still learning. Authenticity is key so don’t worry if it’s not perfect.

If you want to get fancy with your photo, add text and filters, I use an app that I downloaded to my smartphone called ā€œTextGramā€. I have tried others but I prefer TextGram because it is simple and it doesnā€™t load a bunch of advertising crap onto my phone. With TextGram you can add text, frames, filters, fancy effects and it is fast on done on the fly.

Have Fun šŸ™‚

  • Turn on your phoneā€™s location.Ā Look at other peopleā€™s posts and start interacting with them. It is good etiquette to always reply to comments. Manners count just like IRL (in real life).

When I post a meme I always think of Johnathan Christianā€™s advice: Ā·

  • ā€œIs it t-shirt worthy?ā€ Sometimes it is just relevant or newsworthy but it helps keep the quality of my posts.
  • Speak to your Uncle (or ideal customer, or friend). Instagram is all about connecting with real people.

Keep your posts positive. You have to be authentic but people turn to Instagram for an instant feel good feeling and appreciate a little smile.
When desperate for an idea; Cat photos always work. This is a proven fact. Seriously.

Try to save time if you wish to cross post to your other social media platforms.

Ideas To Increase Engagement

Using the search option is a great way to find like-minded connections. If you view someoneā€™s profile and honestly like their photos, theyĀ mightĀ also enjoy your photos or contentĀ and start looking at your postsĀ and may even become a follower.
Take advantage of your profile section with a photo of you, what you do, and the link you want to share. My IG account is a business account but you can set yours up as a personal account and easily change it later if you want to.
When I started I participated in a weekend hashtag project hosted by Instagram. These are fun and always provide an unexpected perspective.
Use #hashtags. (a way to define searches.)
Occasionally there are rumours about InstagramĀ changingĀ the way it feeds. PeopleĀ get in a big panic and post all sorts of things to get to be at the front of a feed. Honestly, unless you have gazillion followers it really doesn’t matter unless maybe you are in high school.

Just continue to keep engaged and authentic, and have fun!

This is my Instagram feed if you are curious. Hopefully you see a theme here:

Grateful for my friends. Ā 

My old friends are like the roots of an Oak tree, deep, grounded, strong, sometimes silent, always intertwined with each other. They know my stories, struggles, &Ā triumphs. We've seen each other at our best &Ā worst, and we still love each other.Ā 

My new friends are like the branches reaching out towards the sky, full of adventure, promise, & new ideas, reminding me that life is full of endless possibilities & it's never too late to try something new or get into new trouble.

My gal pals have lasted multiple marriages and relationships, but we still have each other & I couldn't be more grateful to have them. With friends, I am never alone. Thereā€™s always someone who has my back.Ā 

#grateful #friends #galpals #friendsarethefamilywechoose #blessed #besties

Grateful for my friends. Ā 

My old friends are like the roots of an Oak tree, deep, grounded, strong, sometimes silent, always intertwined with each other. They know my stories, struggles, &Ā triumphs. We`ve seen each other at our best &Ā worst, and we still love each other.Ā 

My new friends are like the branches reaching out towards the sky, full of adventure, promise, & new ideas, reminding me that life is full of endless possibilities & it`s never too late to try something new or get into new trouble.

My gal pals have lasted multiple marriages and relationships, but we still have each other & I couldn`t be more grateful to have them. With friends, I am never alone. Thereā€™s always someone who has my back.Ā 

#grateful #friends #galpals #friendsarethefamilywechoose #blessed #besties

25 2
Grateful for the privilege of time to take a road trip to Christina Lake. Especially grateful that we chose the scenic Crowsnest Pass route. A much more laid back, stop along the road kind'a pace compared to zooming along the Coquihalla. Of course, we had to stop in Keremeos to load up on fruit & at the viewpoint above Osoyoos. You can't drive through Grande Forks without stopping for borscht & browsing the many charming shops. The Christina Lake golf course is spectacular. I became familiar with the black sand in the traps, & even though the temperature was 31 degrees, the back 9 was cooled by fabulous tree lined fairways.ā›³ļø

Why is Midway called Midway?

Always take the scenic route.šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ˜šŸ’•

#grateful #beautifulbc #travelbc #christinalake # explorebc #itsabeautifilworld #christinalakegolfcourse

Grateful for the privilege of time to take a road trip to Christina Lake. Especially grateful that we chose the scenic Crowsnest Pass route. A much more laid back, stop along the road kind`a pace compared to zooming along the Coquihalla. Of course, we had to stop in Keremeos to load up on fruit & at the viewpoint above Osoyoos. You can`t drive through Grande Forks without stopping for borscht & browsing the many charming shops. The Christina Lake golf course is spectacular. I became familiar with the black sand in the traps, & even though the temperature was 31 degrees, the back 9 was cooled by fabulous tree lined fairways.ā›³ļø

Why is Midway called Midway?

Always take the scenic route.šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ˜šŸ’•

#grateful #beautifulbc #travelbc #christinalake # explorebc #itsabeautifilworld #christinalakegolfcourse

18 1
Grateful for the rain.

Walking through Sunnyside Forest, getting soaked through my jacket, with dripping hair, a runny nose, muddy shoes, and wet feet makes me happy. The creek puddle near the beginning of the walk on the Chickadee Loop is full of water again. It has been empty during the past few walks here, which had me wondering about how dry our summer will be.

Although it is raining heavily (I mistakenly assumed I would be a bit sheltered here from the rain), the foliage is a vibrant green, and there are still plenty of small birds chirping and twittering about, along with little flowers bursting colour.

So, yes, although I am looking forward to the sun, I can't help but feel gratitude for this Wet Coast rain.

#grateful #westcoastliving #sunnysideurbanforest #sunnysidepark #ilovetherain #weneedtherain #webdesignerslife

Grateful for the rain.

Walking through Sunnyside Forest, getting soaked through my jacket, with dripping hair, a runny nose, muddy shoes, and wet feet makes me happy. The creek puddle near the beginning of the walk on the Chickadee Loop is full of water again. It has been empty during the past few walks here, which had me wondering about how dry our summer will be.

Although it is raining heavily (I mistakenly assumed I would be a bit sheltered here from the rain), the foliage is a vibrant green, and there are still plenty of small birds chirping and twittering about, along with little flowers bursting colour.

So, yes, although I am looking forward to the sun, I can`t help but feel gratitude for this Wet Coast rain.

#grateful #westcoastliving #sunnysideurbanforest #sunnysidepark #ilovetherain #weneedtherain #webdesignerslife

31 2
Grateful for the gifts of my life. I enjoyed an indulgant ride across the Salish Sea from Point Roberts, through Active Pass & over to Sidney on Mother's Day. I treasured every single second, even the marine border hassles of traveling with an expired Nexus.šŸ˜³ Apparently, marine crossings are more complicated than land borders.

The zen underwater garden of sea anemones, the waves, sun, & views made it all worthwhile.šŸ’–

I still can't believe how lucky I am. šŸ™‚wow.

#grateful #salishsea #westcoastliving #webdesignerslife

Grateful for the gifts of my life. I enjoyed an indulgant ride across the Salish Sea from Point Roberts, through Active Pass & over to Sidney on Mother`s Day. I treasured every single second, even the marine border hassles of traveling with an expired Nexus.šŸ˜³ Apparently, marine crossings are more complicated than land borders.

The zen underwater garden of sea anemones, the waves, sun, & views made it all worthwhile.šŸ’–

I still can`t believe how lucky I am. šŸ™‚wow.

#grateful #salishsea #westcoastliving #webdesignerslife

28 1
Grateful for today's visit to the Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art featuring  Bill Reid & George Clutesi. Oh my goodness, their talent & the beauty of their creations overwhelm me. 

My sister & I hopped on the 351, then Canada Line to Waterfront, didn't worry about the traffic & enjoyed a tourist day in the City. What a wonderful way to spend a rainy Wetcoast day.ā˜‚ļøšŸ’•

#grateful #ilovetherain #vancouver #touristing #touristinmyowncity #haidaart #haidaartist

Grateful for today`s visit to the Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art featuring Bill Reid & George Clutesi. Oh my goodness, their talent & the beauty of their creations overwhelm me.

My sister & I hopped on the 351, then Canada Line to Waterfront, didn`t worry about the traffic & enjoyed a tourist day in the City. What a wonderful way to spend a rainy Wetcoast day.ā˜‚ļøšŸ’•

#grateful #ilovetherain #vancouver #touristing #touristinmyowncity #haidaart #haidaartist

29 1
Grateful forĀ Road Trip Memories: Revelstoke, BC Edition!Ā šŸŒ²

Winding mountain roads with breathtaking views, the road trip to Revelstoke & back was nothing short of spectacular. From the magnificent summit on the Coquihalla, each twist and turn revealed BCā€™s majestic beauty. Towering peaks, valleys, forests, clean air, blue skies, and lakes painted the perfect backdrop.

Revelstokeā€™s charming streets, cozy coffee shops, and friendly locals. (Including 1 particularly friendly local who offered to take a photo & got tackled by me & a large dog, but thatā€™s another story)šŸ˜³

 La Baguette became a favorite and, of course, a ride up the gondola at RMR to eat burgers at the Mackenzie Outpost.

A walk along the beach at Canoe, a drive around Sicamous, and a brief step into the elegance of Sparkling Hills at Predator Ridge. 

Oh my goodness, it is a beautiful world šŸ’–šŸŒŽ

Tag friends you'd love to road trip with!Ā šŸš—

Ā #GratefulĀ #RoadTrip #Revelstoke #AdventureAwaits #ExploreBC #roadtripwithyourbestie

Grateful forĀ Road Trip Memories: Revelstoke, BC Edition!Ā šŸŒ²

Winding mountain roads with breathtaking views, the road trip to Revelstoke & back was nothing short of spectacular. From the magnificent summit on the Coquihalla, each twist and turn revealed BCā€™s majestic beauty. Towering peaks, valleys, forests, clean air, blue skies, and lakes painted the perfect backdrop.

Revelstokeā€™s charming streets, cozy coffee shops, and friendly locals. (Including 1 particularly friendly local who offered to take a photo & got tackled by me & a large dog, but thatā€™s another story)šŸ˜³

La Baguette became a favorite and, of course, a ride up the gondola at RMR to eat burgers at the Mackenzie Outpost.

A walk along the beach at Canoe, a drive around Sicamous, and a brief step into the elegance of Sparkling Hills at Predator Ridge.

Oh my goodness, it is a beautiful world šŸ’–šŸŒŽ

Tag friends you`d love to road trip with!Ā šŸš—

Ā #GratefulĀ #RoadTrip #Revelstoke #AdventureAwaits #ExploreBC #roadtripwithyourbestie

19 2
Grateful for this beautiful province of British Columbia and the opportunity to get on the road again to enjoy it.  The Coquihalla Summit is always a stunning high point of driving through the North Cascades.

Bonus sunny weather, too. šŸŒžDo you recognize where I am? 

#grateful #coquihalla #roadtrip #beautifulBC #northcascades

Grateful for this beautiful province of British Columbia and the opportunity to get on the road again to enjoy it. The Coquihalla Summit is always a stunning high point of driving through the North Cascades.

Bonus sunny weather, too. šŸŒžDo you recognize where I am?

#grateful #coquihalla #roadtrip #beautifulBC #northcascades

18 1



I’m Not a Writer

I’m Not a Writer

I don’tĀ know how many timesĀ I haveĀ committed to writing in my blog more often even though Iā€™d rather scrub a toilet. Well my toilet just canā€™t get any cleaner so I guess I have to write again but honestly I’d rather be at the beach.

Iā€™ve heard it said many times that social media isnā€™t ā€œrealā€ and there are valid points for that argument, but for me personally, I have mostly encountered very real and heartfelt connections. I am on Twitter which seems to have a life of its own that is far too fast paced for me to keep up with and for the most part I ignore it. Iā€™m just not a cutting edge type. Although, if you are on Twitter and have any sort of customer service problem, just tweet about it and see how fast your issue is resolved! Plus, in an effort to reach a more targeted audience, many stores (like Safeway) offer super coupon deals to Twitter followers.

Recently I experienced an earthquake. I was alone and it made me feel very vulnerable. To my surprise I immediately started receiving tweets asking if I was ok. At that moment, those tweets felt as real and as connected to the real world as I could possibly be. So yes Virginia, there is a silver lining and yes, social media can be real and used to connect with real people in a real world.